Psalm 7

I was listening to an interesting TED talk this evening. The presenter was talking about a study that she did in which she asked people their perceptions of what it meant to hit rock bottom. The responses were interesting – such as it being like a trampoline where they can bounce back or a period of reflection or downright paralyzing depression and many other descriptions. I found this fascinating since I always perceived rock bottom based on my experience and a trampoline is not my first thought.

In Psalm 7 we see David still struggling. He is desperate for help. For all intents and purposes, he appears to have hit his rock bottom (or at least it seems like it). He describes his anguish over the sins he as committed. He pleads for protection from his enemies. And then he does a complete turn around and he declares the sovereign nature of the Lord as judge and ruler over the nations. And from the depths of his pit, in verse 10 he declares, ‘God is my shield, saving those whose hearts are true and right‘. I can just imagine him yelling his declaration so that everyone could hear him.

Despite this rough patch, David still keeps his focus on what is most important. His relationship with the Lord. This Psalm ends with David expressing his gratitude to the Lord by saying, ‘I will thank the Lord because he is just; I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High‘.

Passages from New Living Translation