Psalm 21

Sometimes it is a real struggle to write – so I avoid it. Can you tell? It has been a month since my last post (insert your favorite emoticon here)… Anyway, I decided that today I was going to write something even if it is short so I read through Psalm 21 trying to figure out what I should write and I really am not feeling the least bit inspired. So I read it again…and again. Then it struck me – don’t write about Psalm 21, make it your own. So here is what I did. I took several verses and inserted my name. You should try it with your name – make this Psalm personal.

Lord, because of your strength Jackie is strong. Look how she rejoices in you! She bursts out with a joyful song because of your victory! For you have given Jackie her heart’s desire, anything and everything she asks for. You haven’t withheld a thing from your bethrothed one. – vs 1-2


The first time I read through Psalm 21 this evening I wasn’t connecting to it at all. It was just David’s Psalm and didn’t have anything to do with me. You see today has been a struggle for me. My focus was on what I don’t have. My attitide was one of defeat and discouragement. And yet, when I allowed the words of this Psalm to wash over me, I was filled with a peace and calm that only the Holy Spirit provides.

So again I say WOW…

Let the words of this Psalm bring you strength and victory as you face whatever trial comes your way!

Scriptures quoted from the Passion Translation